The Cosby Show Lost Episode

On one late night I had nothing else to do so I decided to watch TV. The Cosby Show was on. The episode started off normally aside from the fact that the opening was backwards.
When the actual episode began, Bill Cosby or Cliff Huxtable as he's known in the show is approached by his daughter Rudy who asks him to get her breakfast. Cliff then proceeds to open up the refridgerator in the kitchen which appeared to be full of nothing but pudding.
"Sure. I got all the puddings you need." Cliff looked back at his daughter.
"But I don't really want pudding. Do we have anything else?" Rudy asked him seemingly disappointed and sickened. It seemed as though she had eaten nothing but pudding for weeks.
Cliff had that "are you fucking kidding me" look on his face. "Well alright then," he spoke up. "There's some taco shells and and rice cakes in the cabinet. You can figure something out."
The phone rang and Cliff picked it up. He simply said "fuck off" and unplugged the telephone. "Guess whaaaaat!" Cliff exclaimed.
Rudy approached him. "What?"
"I got Ms. Hixon to take her medicine!"
"Did you see her take it?"
"Yes I diiiiid."
"Did you check under her tongue?"
Cliff seemed shocked and angered by that question. "No. Why?"
"That's where she hides the pill when she doesn't wanna swallow it," Rudy explained.
"Well she has definitely fucked up and I accept the challenge." Cliff walked away.
The episode then cut to a scene in the living room of the house in which the entire family was. Cliff was walking in from the kitchen sprinkling salt on what appeared to be the head of Ms. Hixon. This lasted for about a minute and throughout the entire time the colors were inverted, Cliff had glowing red eyes and there was text on the screen in the Wingdings font. Now my Wingdings is a bit rusty but I managed to translate it into what I believe said "it's been a long time since I've had one of these".
The colors eventually returned to normal and Cliff began to eat Ms. Hixon's head. Cliff then proceeded to keel over and die, his family not caring but continuing to watch television.
After two minutes of this Theo walks in asking "Hey what happened to dad?"
"Salt..." Clair replied.
"Oh well okay then. Bye!" Theo began to walk to the door to exit the house when he suddenly keeled over and died as well. Again, the family not caring.
I began to realize that this was a very strange episode of The Cosby Show. I was about to turn it off when suddenly I heard a familiar voice: "Return the slab."
Clair stood up, walked out of the door and saw the return the slab guy from that one episode of Courage the Cowardly Dog that I happened to have been disturbed by since childhood.
"What's yer offer?" Clair asked.
"On this night you will be visited by OVER 9000 plagues. Each worse than the last. Return the fucking slab."
Oh God no.
When I first saw that episode I had to take years of therapy to fix the mental impact it had on me. Now it came back to haunt me in The Cosby Show.
I couldn't stand it. I changed the channel and watched something more watchable. I then went on with my normal life.